Our Helpful Hints
The following are Frequently Asked Questions about our background investigations. If you would like to submit a question please email us and we will respond as soon as possible.

What is the turnaround time for a background investigation?
Normal turnaround time for a background check is 24 to 72 hours. Occasionally searches take longer due to circumstances beyond our control. You can monitor pending orders with online access to your Inquirehire account.
Do we have to tell the applicant we are doing a background investigation?
Yes. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that an applicant sign a separate and distinct authorization form separate from the application which serves as notification. It is also good policy to inform them so there is no cause for action on their part at any later date.
Do we have to do a background on everyone we hire?
We encourage companies to be consistent in their hiring practices. If you screen one person and not another, it will raise issues of discrimination. You may be challenged by someone who is denied employment. You will be forced to defend your actions on why you did one and not the other.
What do we do if the applicant says the information is wrong?
The FCRA has specific requirements for 3rd party providers when information is challenged. We have a strict protocol for re-investigating and we take the burden off the employer